Enrolment Form
Please enter the details below. Details are used for certificates and correspondence. Your personal details will be kept confidential.
- Payments may be made electronically. Cash and cheques are not accepted for security reasons
- Fees are due by the first lesson of each term
- Please ensure that the enrollment form below is completed in order for your child to attend classes.
Terms and Conditions
Fees for the term are payable by the 1st lesson of the term. If no payment has been made, your child will not be able to attend class. No credit will be given if a child is unable to attend the class for some reason.
By filling in the form you irrevocably indemnify Happy Beat and it’s teachers against any liability or injury of any kind during the classes. Furthermore, you understand the need to pay the tuition fees before the 1st lesson of the term, including lessons missed by the child. You understand and fully agree to the above terms.